The GGFA has been powered by volunteers since the beginning. In early 1981, Mary K. Barnard of MO and AZ, Herb Evans of IL, and Pam Pressney of CA found each other through ads placed in The Genealogical Helper magazine. All three were passionate about genealogy research and were soon talking by phone regularly, undeterred by the high long-distance calling rates that existed at that time. By the fall of 1981, they decided to form a family association and once again turned to The Genealogical Helper to solicit members. This initiative culminated in the first issue of the GGFA newsletter in April 1982, which continues to be published quarterly. 

The GGFA has changed with the times to remain on the leading edge of family associations and genealogy research. In 1995, the first GGFA Gathering was held in Lexington, KY, and remains a coveted biannual event. The year 1997 saw the first GGFA website come online. An enhanced website was launched in 2012, adding a membership database, photo archives, family tree tool, and forum. At the same time, the GGFA Facebook site was launched. Finally, the launch of the Goff/Gough DNA Project in 2004 has connected many brick wall families into over 30 genetic families. Today, the GGFA has about 850 members and followers on the and our Facebook group, including some who joined at the beginning, in 1982. 

Origins of our Goff and Gough Surnames

You may be interested in checking out this index of our newsletter articles discussing the origins of our Goff and Gough surnames.